Heather Keido

Since I was 12, I have been best friends with the same two gals. Nicole and Polly. We all went out together, and often.

I'm still not even sure who started the conversation or where it even began (the bowling alley - I think)

Someone said we were tough girls so I piped in with "Yeah, I have Heather Keido - I don't know karate, but I know ca-razy and that should scare anyone!"

Since then, we're all Heather-Keido (initially Janell-Keido for my middle name) Nikki-Keido and Polly-Keido.

Silly enough, but I sure do love those girls. Mainly I can't believe we're all still friends. We're all nuts.



About Me

My photo
Irish, Tattooed, Bakerella, Texan


