Murphy's Law Friday June 12

Stewart's First Murphy Corollary

"Murphy's Law may be delayed or suspended for an indefinite period of time, provided that such delay or suspension will result in a greater catastrophe at a later date."

Isn't THAT the effing truth?

Strange Things are Afoot at the Circle-K

Dude. Things have been ca-RAAAAZY lately. Birthday parties, beach parties, too much financial consulting, baking-baking-baking, and this weekend is going to top the month off nicely.

My bff from high school (and elementary when we technically met because my mom dated her way older brother) is getting married this Sunday. On the beach. Yep, THE beach. And I'm helping to organize, bake the cake and going with to do hair and makeup. Why hire someone and spend money on something that your friend can do for free? Right? Right!

The cake is going to be cute as hell since they are both baseball fans, fondant jerseys with Stros logo on one and Tigers logo on another, overlapping. All in pearl white - Vanilla Banana Cream cake filled with Pineapple buttercream, topped with coconut milk buttercream, decorated with pearlized fondant embellishments. Holy shit I'm getting good at what I do. :)

But, like I said in the title, shit is weird lately! Effed up shizzle has been happing left and right all over the damn place. I mean, hell - there was another shooting and high speed chase halfway around Houston this afternoon!?!? WTF is wrong with people? I know the economy sucks donkey balls right now but are people seriously trying to make the phrase "going postal" disappear? As of late, "going soccer mom" or "going broke asshole" seem more appropriate.

Jesus, people. Calm the FUCK down already. Going ape shit sure as hell doesn't make the situation any better...

I leave you with a message from my dear friend, Murphy - the Law dude:
"Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do."

Murphy's Law

Thursday, April 12:

Fulton's Law of Gravity

The effort to catch a falling, breakable object will produce more destruction than if the object had been allowed to fall in the first place.

It is Official!

I've been so busy and consumed with getting my baking blog together,, that I have neglected my personal blog. How dare I!!?!?!?!

I've been crafting, shopping, cleaning, wrapping, visiting, driving, fixing and baking away. I have two new bake orders and hopefully things will continue to move in this direction.

Big News: I have applied to enroll at the The Art Institute of Houston. I plan on attending AIH's Culinary school this Spring to achieve an Associate of Applied Science in Baking & Pastry. This is a huge deal for me.

I never attended University. Instead, I enlisted in the Air Force during my senior year of high school and went into basic training less than 2 months after I graduated. I was following in my Grandfathers and Fathers footsteps. After my honorable discharge from the service as an SP (that's military police to you lay-folks), I joined the working world as a secretary and worked my way up to the executive level, becoming an Executive Secretary only a few years ago.

Seven years ago, I enrolled at The University of St. Thomas here in Houston, hoping to finally attend college and achieve a degree in Business Management. Less than two weeks later, while driving around on a Saturday afternoon running errands, I was struck in my drivers side door by another car. My surgeons, family and friends were all surprised that I walked away from the accident. I know that my not dying was a complete and total miracle. Because of the magnitude of my injuries, I did not attend the university, I didn't even work for an entire year.

I was pretty beat up. The main injury was a shattered jaw, but I did sustain a pretty hefty concussion, a hip fracture and lots of bumps and bruises. Thankfully I wasn't sitting straight up or my neck would have snapped. O_o

Seven years later. Here I am. Still alive and well. And, well, getting better and better at baking. That is why I have decided to pursue this degree. I mean, how many people out there actually like their job enough to enjoy going to work? Not a whole heck of a lot, that is for sure!

I seem to have found my niche and calling and I plan on pursuing my goal with full speed.

Wish me luck!

(If you would like to keep up with my baking, please visit my baking blog, Baketastic!)

Por Que?

Which is worse, thinking to yourself, "damn, I need glasses" while you are wearing your contacts or driving all the way to Target, to specifically buy logs for the fireplace and coming home with a new strand of pre-lit garland, sans the friggin' logs?

And it is 44 outside now. WTF?

Was I talking about me? No, not me. I'm talking about someone else.. Obviously.

(wonders if anyone believed that crock of crap, hahaha)

Thurs Dec 4, 2008 by heatherkeido

Flim Flam, Alacazam!

I have been running myself ragged these past few weeks. And I am still not over my obnoxious ear infection. My right ear is still plaguing me with pressure and waves of kazoo-esque sound quality.

Two weeks ago, on a Thursday, I nearly hit a car in a Walgreens parking lot thanks to a not-so-nice driver that nearly backed into me. As it turns out, the car I nearly hit was being driven by a famous rapper, from Houston. Slim Thug. Needless to say, I nearly wet my pants! Whew!

Since then I helped my bff move into her beautiful new home, three stories of luxury, actually. Even the doors were luxurious, 12 feet tall, thick and heavy, beautiful doors. I love it. But my legs and butt are still pretty mad at me. Ha!

This is my favorite photo, I adore this cabinet. The glass is hand blown, full of bubbles and showcases her beautiful serving ware quite nicely.

The kitchen itself is my favorite part of the whole house. I tried hard not to imagine how much baking and cooking I could do in there. Oh, jeez.

What you can't see is that to the left, around the corner in the kitchen is a gorgeous butler's door, and butlers pantry. My paltry 1,000 sq ft apartment quivers in mediocre comparison.

Thankfully, there is a guest room on the third floor with its own master bath which has my name all over it, regardless of what she and her husband have intentions on doing with it, lol!

Oh well! I have a baby shower this weekend, the Twilight opening, two birthday parties next weekend, as well as going with my bff to Jingle Jam with three exquisite young girls to see Rhianna and others. Maybe my bff and I should have our hair done with the girls at Little Divas before the concert? Hahaha, no way, Jose!

Today was a bit of shopping. A little for my nephew, a little for my niece, a bit for my other niece, something nice for my bff to welcome her to her incredible new home and of course, some Origins for me. What a pleasure. As much as I like to shop, I really don't like to shop. I know, it is quite strange. But, I am quite strange and I've never pretended not to be.

So goes life.

Thurs 11.20.08 by heatherkeido

Owie McOwerson

Double whammy. Two inner ear infections. Two SEVERE outer ear infections.

No health insurance.

$350 Emergency visit. $120 ear drops. $60 antibiotics. $50 vicodin.

Broke Heather. In extreme pain.

Cannot hear well, as well as speak.

I had a Monday on a Sunday. Awesome!!

About Me

My photo
Irish, Tattooed, Bakerella, Texan


