Eurethra, I've Got It!

Retail Therapy. It does wonders: diminishes signs of wrinkles, re-infuses color into gray hairs, keeps muscles toned from walking all over malls and shopping centers. But mainly it is because of all your amazing new stuff. Don't even try to deny walking around the house in your new "just had to have them" heels and/or shoes in your skivvies. All girls do that.

Tuesday Oct 21 08 by heatherkeido

I cooked Brinner (dinner for breakfast) at 2:30 this afternoon. How weird was that? Since the fella started working 3rd shift, he doesn't get home until 4am.

Out of mere curiousity, I wonder how many times you can vacuum your home before the carpet starts to come up? I guess it all depends on the type and quality of the carpet and the vacuum.

What about the furniture, if you wax it too much is it possible to damage the finish? I'm fairly certain our floors and toilets are clean enough to eat off of, although I won't try. I leave it to our dog, Brody. He never seems to mind.

(PS - I know it is eureka, it's a joke.)



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Irish, Tattooed, Bakerella, Texan


