Strange Things are Afoot at the Circle-K

Dude. Things have been ca-RAAAAZY lately. Birthday parties, beach parties, too much financial consulting, baking-baking-baking, and this weekend is going to top the month off nicely.

My bff from high school (and elementary when we technically met because my mom dated her way older brother) is getting married this Sunday. On the beach. Yep, THE beach. And I'm helping to organize, bake the cake and going with to do hair and makeup. Why hire someone and spend money on something that your friend can do for free? Right? Right!

The cake is going to be cute as hell since they are both baseball fans, fondant jerseys with Stros logo on one and Tigers logo on another, overlapping. All in pearl white - Vanilla Banana Cream cake filled with Pineapple buttercream, topped with coconut milk buttercream, decorated with pearlized fondant embellishments. Holy shit I'm getting good at what I do. :)

But, like I said in the title, shit is weird lately! Effed up shizzle has been happing left and right all over the damn place. I mean, hell - there was another shooting and high speed chase halfway around Houston this afternoon!?!? WTF is wrong with people? I know the economy sucks donkey balls right now but are people seriously trying to make the phrase "going postal" disappear? As of late, "going soccer mom" or "going broke asshole" seem more appropriate.

Jesus, people. Calm the FUCK down already. Going ape shit sure as hell doesn't make the situation any better...

I leave you with a message from my dear friend, Murphy - the Law dude:
"Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do."



About Me

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Irish, Tattooed, Bakerella, Texan


