Bloggio, Bloggio! Where for art thou, Bloggio?

It feels like a decade since I blogged last, more than ten days. I have faltered.

I saw a bumper sticker today that read, "Do Hookers get laid off?" I snorted. My bff called with another she saw, "If you never change your mind, how do you know you still have one?". Sadly enough, it made sense. Especially after the election.

I'm not a Republican, although I'm not much of a Democrat either. My boyfriend stands firm in his belief that I am a Fascist. He finds it funny that I cringe at the thought of Jerry Springer, his guests, his viewers. Mainly because the ignorance and the idiocy of the participants literally make me want to vomit. I made a comment once, "We should ship them to the moon. Maybe tell them there are free Impalas and 40's." I'm not a Fascist, I'm a Ignorantist. I don't like people that are ignorant. Not people that are ignorant because they don't know any better, people that choose to be ignorant and behave as though it is "coo' dog. word."

I don't think I'm a Fascist. I am convinced that I'm just an asshole. I get it from my Mother. At least, that's what my Dad says. *smile*

I still haven't gotten photos from the Halloween party back, none blog worthy. Especially since my face is blurred in them, haha.

My dog, Brody, is a vegetarian. Labrador. It took a year to find that out. His hair has almost all grown back.

This blog is starting to dwindle.



About Me

My photo
Irish, Tattooed, Bakerella, Texan


